Sunday, December 29, 2019

Importance of Being on Time Essay - 1326 Words

The importance of being on time in the military (or anywhere at all), is simply a symptom of discipline, which was instilled in new enlisted soldiers during basic training. Being on time shows reliability. We have to show discipline, responsibility, show care through following military rules and regulations. Being on time not only pertains to accountability, but shows respect to our fellow soldiers, our unit, command and organization as a whole. Being on time also will avoid any disciplinary actions that may hinder you from reaching your goals. Being on time may have a greater importance and effect, than we may know. Being on time enables us to be able to trust and rely on each other in life and death situations. Last but not least, it†¦show more content†¦Getting in order your own personal dress uniform ready for a military ball in a timely manner shows completion of whatever updates your uniform needs. Therefore, even completing little tasks such as so, shows you are able and competent to do it yourself on your own time. The importance of being on time shows your reliability. If you show competence and responsibility when you’re entrusted with little, then you will exhibit to you superiors that you can likely to be entrusted with more. While it is absolutely essential to be reliable in the military, consistently showing that reliability every day by being on time, also helps exhibit your fitness for higher ranks and for more responsibility. Being reliable not only demonstrates you have what it takes, but also gives out a good example of being a reliable soldier, and person over all. Out of all things in the military, accountability is arguably one of the most important value a person can have. By always showing up on time you demonstrate that you accept your responsibilities and are willing to hold yourself to task for completion. Being on time shows accountability. Every military unit has to be held accountable for each individual soldier on duty. You never know if it’s going to be a ordinary training day, or if something happens that will require immediate response. Most often, if not from the normal schedule, we may have to be preparedShow MoreRelatedImportance on Being on Time1679 Words   |  7 PagesThe Importance of Being On-Time The principal reason for this essay is since I did not follow out proper orders and was not at the right place of duty for PT/Accountability formation at the appropriate time. Though there was a miscommunication, granted on my half, theres nonetheless no excuse for me to miss a formation. I desire to be a great soldier and I desire to excel inside military. The first step I need to put into action is often making sure I am at the appropriate place of dutyRead MoreImportance of Being on Time1193 Words   |  5 PagesThe Importance of Being on Time in the Military by [Name] [Institution] INTRODUCTION A soldier is considered as the man of the moment. It is because, the military organizations treat timeliness with extreme importance. It orients all courses of their activities and their success depends on the quality of that orientation. Therefore constant researches go on in every military organization to raise the understanding of timeliness among its members, manyRead MoreImportance of Being on Time966 Words   |  4 PagesIt is important to be on time for everything, but it is extremely important to be on time at your place of duty. There are are countless reasons to be on time at your work place. The main reasons are professionalism, dependability, and it builds success. Another reason it is important to be on time is that it shows that you have a sense of responsibility and take your obligations towards others seriously. Being late to work not only affects you but it can also affect your co-workers/battle buddiesRead MoreImportance of Being on Time Essay2017 Words   |   9 PagesThe Importance Of Being On Time And at the right place The importance of being on time is that so you will be early to where ever you need to be, and what ever you need to do. If you are early you will always have time to make sure everything that you need to do is straight and there aren’t n e errors in what you need to do. It is important to be on time for work because it shows that you are dedicated in the things that you do and it can help you in moving up in your field of work. It is importantRead MoreThe Importance of Being on Time Essay2203 Words   |  9 Pagesresponsibility to wake myself up and be on time. I am the one that put myself in this situation so I am the one that has to fix it nobody can fix what I mess up. I have to learn from my own mistakes and try my best not to make the same mistakes in the future. This is not the first time I have been late I need to either buy an alarm clock or go to bed earlier. Being on time is very important. If there is important information that I need to know at a certain time and I show up late I risk not knowingRead MoreEssay on The Importance of Being on Time in the Army1715 Words   |  7 Pagesperformance and prepare performance appraisals.  · Perform the same work duties as those supervised or perform more difficult or skilled tasks or assist in their performance.  · Prepare and maintain work records and reports of information such as employee time and wages, daily receipts, or inspection results. Tools Technology Tools used in this occupation: Forklifts — Lift trucks| Slings — Material-hoisting slings| Track cranes — Overhead cranes| Wrapping machinery — Banding machines| TechnologyRead MoreThe Importance of Being at Your Duty on Time Essay722 Words   |  3 PagesThe Importance of Being On Time At Your Place of Duty There are many important reasons that a soldier needs to be at his or her appointed place of duty on time. Being at your appointed place of duty on time is important because your leadership is held accountable for you and your absence. If you feel that you are going to be late you should contact your chain of command and let them know of your tardiness immediately. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

How could the Holocaust have beet prevented - 2210 Words

COULD THE HOLOCAUST HAVE BEEN PREVENTED? You have probably heard about a period of time, not so long ago, known as The Holocaust. A holocaust, according to Websters dictionary, is a complete destruction by fire (Stadtler, 1). In Europe, during this period, there was a complete destruction by fire - of Jewish homes, Jewish businesses, Jewish neighborhoods, and Jewish people. This destruction was carried out under the direction of Adolf Hitler, during the years 1939-1945, but it actually began earlier, in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. In my opinion, the Holocaust, which was caused by ignorance, could very well have been prevented. There were many powerful nations, such as the United Stated, the USSR, and Britain, whose†¦show more content†¦With Germans of all outlooks desperately seeking solutions for the nations problems, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party began their climb to power. Hitler was gifted with effective political talents. He offered an explanation for Germanys defeat, and a vision of Germanys future destiny, that played upon the fears, prejudices, and hopes of many Germans. He promised to rebuild Germanys power and restore its prosperity (Isaacman, 16). This won the support of many Germans. Hitler was such an effective speaker that anything he said was believed even if it was not true. Hitler believed that the German people were part of an Aryan race, a superior group that should be kept pure to fulfill their mission of ruling the world. He felt that the Jewish people were sub-human, when in actuality they were virtually the same as his Aryan race. Not only did Hitler have a personal hatred toward the Jewish people, but he also blamed them for stabbing Germany in the back after Germanys defeat in World War I. Hitler used them as scapegoats because they were a minority and were easy to put the blame on. Historians agree that the Holocaust resulted from a confluence of various factors in a complex historical situation. That anti-Semitism festered throughout the centuries in European culture is centrally important; the Jews were (and are) a minority civilization in a majority environment. In periods of crisis, instead of searching for the solution ofShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Cha nge Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesc.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial

Friday, December 13, 2019

Climate Change Fact or Fiction Free Essays

Weather can be defined as the state of the atmosphere including movements of energy like wind and precipitation. Climate is the generally prevailing weather patterns of a region. The climate of a region is made up of the different weather patterns. We will write a custom essay sample on Climate Change: Fact or Fiction or any similar topic only for you Order Now The weather patterns are usually repetitive according to the seasons. Where I’m from in southwest Nebraska it snows in the winter, rains in the spring, and is hot in the summer. The question is, has the weather and climate always been like this in Nebraska? We have proof that climate has changed in the past. Seventy million years ago there may have not been any ice on the North Pole. The region was most likely covered in forest. The amazing part of this hypothesis is that without the polar ice caps the ocean levels would be around seventy meter higher than they are now. Scientist also know that the world was in its most recent ice age about 2. 6 million years ago. If the North Pole went from forest to ice sixty-eight million years, obviously the world has seen drastic changes before. This raises the question of whether or not this could happen to us again. Could the increases in temperature that everybody attributes to global warming just be a natural cycle of the planets climate? Most people think not. The logical answer for the steady increase in temperature is global warming due to the â€Å"Greenhouse Effect†. The Greenhouse Effect is caused by an increase in the concentration of â€Å"greenhouse gasses† in the atmosphere. Some of the most dominate greenhouse gasses are Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, and Water vapor. Some people might argue that these gasses are found naturally in the atmosphere. The concentration of the gasses could be increasing due to natural factors. The atmosphere may be holding these gasses in for an unknown reason, or the environment may be producing higher concentrations naturally. This theory is unlikely according to data recorded in past years. Ice cores show that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased dramatically since the industrial revolution. It’s no coincidence that global warming started becoming noticeable the same time humans started harvesting fossil fuels. Burning, mining, and processing fossil fuels are the main cause of the increase in gas releases. According to Peter Singers book One World, the scientific evidence that human activities are changing the climate of our planet has been studied by the IPCC in order to provide policy makers with an authoritative view of climate change and its causes. (Pg. 15) The â€Å"Third Assessment Report† released by the IPCC in 2001 found that our planet has shown clear signs of warming over the past century. Since 1960 snow and ice cover has decreased by about ten percent, and mountain glaciers are in retreat everywhere except near the poles. Paralleling the changes in the climate is an unprecedented increase in the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. This increase is produced by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, the clearing of vegetation, and in the case of methane, cattle and rice production. Not for at least the last four-hundred and twenty years has there been so much carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. Pg. 15-16) What will happen if we continue to emit increasing amounts of gasses into the atmosphere, and global warming continues to increase? According to the Third Assessment Report, between 1990 and 2100, average global temperatures will rise by at least 1. 4 °C, and by as much as 5. 8 °C. Although these average rises in temperature might seem small, even a 1 °C rise in the average temperature would be greater than any change that has occurred in a single century in the past ten-thousand years. Moreover, some regional changes will be more extreme and are much more difficult to predict. (Pg. 16-17) If the average temperature of a major agricultural region was to rise 5 °C all the dominant crops in the area may not be suited for the region anymore and major economic downfall could result. Now that everybody in the world is aware of the cause of global warming, the question arises, what are we supposed to do? I believe the best and most effective answer to that question is reduce the amount of energy that we use. The first and simplest step is to reduce your power consumption. Creating power is one of the largest uses of fossil fuels which means the less power made, the less fossil fuels used. Everybody can use less power by simply turning off lights and unplugging appliances when not in use. Most appliances continue to consume power even after they have been turned off, if everybody just unplugged their electronics or switched off the power strip energy would become a lot more sustainable. Another huge problem with the world is automobiles. While most people love their cars and don’t want to lose the freedom to go anywhere their thoughts might be changed when they look at all the negatives cars produce. First, is all the time, energy, and resources used to make a car. Most car parts are made from expendable ores and minerals and then shipped across the globe. This not only uses up mineral reserves in the production of the parts but consumes large amounts of petroleum energy in the transportation process. Then, as everybody knows all these cars consume huge amounts of energy in the form of gas every day, this will deplete our oil supply in no time. Cars also need roads to drive on. Roads are the leading consumer of the United States mineral resources, and the take up very large amounts of space in cities and agricultural areas. People in cities can ride the bus and everybody can ride the train on long distance trips. If we could all cut the amount we drive in half the sustainability of many of the world’s resources would increase dramatically. Turning off your lights and taking the bus aren’t the only way people can reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses they contribute. Factories produce a large amount of pollutants every day. Factory products can also contribute to atmospheric pollution because everything made requires resources to be produced. And after a product is used up it becomes waste and must be disposed of in some way. We can lower the amount of waste that is being put into landfills by buying goods that aren’t over packaged. Many goods are jazzed up with large and fancy packaging but in the end people just throw the package away. If the same product can be purchased in a smaller package it will cost less and take up less space as waste. Consumers should try to buy fresh produce from local stores. While fresh goods are not usually over packaged, buying local also helps to cut down on the amount of transportation and the energy wasted while the item was stored in large warehouses. Another step in the environmental preservation process is to recycle everything possible. This is more easily said than done for most people but it is becoming easier and more convenient all the time. Recycling bins are popping up all over in convenient locations and the incentives to recycle are getting greater all the time. It isn’t that hard to separate easily recyclable materials like cans and bottles in your home and take them to the proper recycling center. Another easy was to recycle is take your plastic shopping bags back for recycling or get a reusable bag. If resources are conserved, then naturally the amount of gasses being released into the atmosphere will be decreased. In conclusion, global warming is a major global problem. If a sufficient remedy isn’t found soon enough the world may never be the same. Finding a means to curve the rise of global warming is easier than most people think. How to cite Climate Change: Fact or Fiction, Papers