Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Range of Decision to Be Taken - 2701 Words

MANAGING COMMUNICATION, KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION -Discuss the range of decisions to be taken -Examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision taking -Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding -Justify recommendations for improvement -Bibliography Range of Decisions to be taken The technique I choose for a given decision will be influenced by the importance and complexity of the decision. Decision making without planning is common but usually it doesnt do the work, there is a 20 year of research that have pointed out 50 percent of decisions made have failed and I believed that the reasons half of these decisions made have failed was mostly because of the†¦show more content†¦I believe this decision is appropriate because it greatly increased the efficiency of their employees allowing them to feel that the company is partly owned by themselves and showing the firm’s financial abilities which created positive comments to specialists and scholars around the world. I recommend the company to plan carefully the percentage they are willing to use as too much may harm the firm while too less may create a negative impact (Internal information). 2. If the firm want to create a positive impact toward the government and citizens while keeping their human resource expense at the lowest level, for example in China it is over-populated so there are a lot of people who hold diplomas from well known universities but could not find a job. Coca-cola Company could hire over 90 percent of Chinese employees which would keep their expense low since manpower in China is pretty cheap because of the massive jobless population and it creates a positive impact toward the Chinese government for solving a bit of the jobless problems in China which have created headaches for the government. I believe it is appropriate to do so (External information). Tactic Decisions 1. If the Coca-cola company have taken my first strategic decision recommendation for increasing the efficiency and loyalty of their employees while showing the world their financial abilities they would need a tactical decision to supportShow MoreRelatedRange of Decision to Be Taken2694 Words   |  11 PagesCOMMUNICATION, KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION -Discuss the range of decisions to be taken -Examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision taking -Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding -Justify recommendations for improvement -Bibliography    Range of Decisions to be taken    The technique  I choose for a given decision will be influenced by the importance and complexity of the decision. 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