Monday, June 1, 2020

Research And Describe Air Pollution on Agriculture - 1375 Words

Research And Describe Air Pollution on Agriculture (Term Paper Sample) Content: Air Pollution on AgricultureNameInstitutionAbstractThis paper examines the economic and the public health perspectives in the literature relating to the impacts of air pollution on agriculture. It further assesses the gaseous pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and particulate matter among others. These toxins have been put into consideration because of their adverse effects on both crops and human beings. The paper also explores the influence of measures taken against air deterioration in both short and long terms and provides further information on the importance of studying environmental contamination, particularly by farmers. Measures such as the use of manure and how to manage gaseous elements in the atmosphere are equally assessed. The above studies are being carried out because the aggregation yields throughout the world have been diminishing over the recent years.Air Pollution on AgricultureIntroductionAir pollution is the contamination of the atmosphere by harmful gasses such carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other foreign matters. It can be a biological, a chemical, or a physical alteration to the environment. Pollution interferes with the health of living organisms like human beings, fish, insects, and plants. It also causes environmental destruction. Moreover, it is one of the most significant agricultural and public health issues in the world thus making it a global challenge.Due to the exposure of plants to the hazardous materials, agriculture has been increasingly affected leading to underdevelopment of the sector and economies as a whole. The imbalance created by the increase of the harmful and the decrease of the useful particles is collectively disastrous to all the living things (Agrawal, 2005). Therefore, the variation has raised many questions on how best the matter can be managed to increase the yields of both crops and livestock, lest the world faces severe hunger.DiscussionTo begin with, farmer s are unaware of the ozone's effects on plants. They should know that it is not only harmful to people, it also influences crop production. By penetrating into the leaves through the stomata, it dissolves and reacts with other chemicals causing failure of photosynthesis. Subsequently, this makes the plants grow slowly, and their leaves age faster. Therefore, ozone's harmfulness results in a considerable reduction of harvest since it creates a crucial alteration of the ecosystem. For instance, wheat loses 4.5+_0.7 million tons annually because of the ozone layer destruction. If the loss could be controlled by managing air pollution, an addition of about 20% yields, which can sufficiently feed a population of 4 million who are living under poverty, will be achieved (Agrawal, Singh, Rajput, Marshall, Bell, 2003).Noxious substances are harmful to vegetation in other ways. Firstly, nitrogen dioxide readily reacts to form acidic rain in the atmosphere. The acidic water then washes away useful nutrients in the soil leaving toxic substances like aluminum that decreases the quality of the ground. In the long run, such degradation results in inadequate food production. It is of importance to note the fact that the acidic water may cause respiratory infections in livestock. The disease causes difficulties in breathing leading to premature death of animals. Moreover, the burning of fossil fuels produces carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide that are corrosive and affect farm animals too. The gases irritate the eyes and noses of these beasts, which is unhealthy for them. In addition, carbon monoxide, which is produced by incomplete combustion, hinders the process of respiration in livestock.Furthermore, farmers face challenges because of the greenhouse gases that heat up the atmosphere and result in global warming. Because of this, the temperature change causes glacial run-off and precipitation. Besides this, the greenhouse effect alters forest composition and damages the s oil. At times, these places experience low amounts of rainfall that prevent the growth of vegetation. Consequently, plants cannot survive in these harsh conditions. If a necessary action is not taken, such environmental conditions may cause the cattle to contract numerous epidemics like weakened legs and fever due to heat stress.It should be mentioned that human beings also need clean air. Once it is polluted, their health is at risk. While manufacturers of pharmaceutical products emit various particulate matters, laboratories of public health institutions release polluted air which is suspended in the environment too. These solid or liquid substances can enter the lungs and cause respiratory problems, asthma attacks, and eventually premature mortality. Due to loss of lives, the agricultural sector will likely stagnate because of insufficient labor to perform farming operations. Apart from that, the emission of hazardous chemicals during the manufacturing of medicines escape to the surrounding and the affluent react with air to form toxic elements, which when released to the surrounding, profoundly lower the fertility of the soil hindering the decomposition of organic and inorganic matters. In the long run, this could bring deterioration yields in agriculture due to nutrient depletion (Bascom et al., 1996).Finally, low and middle-income earners highly depend on agriculture; they occasionally carry out agricultural activities that affect their health without noticing. For instance, the use of pesticides and fertilizers in controlling pests and boosting fertility has become a common practice in the current farming. Continuous usage of these compounds is dangerous as they produce ammonia gas known to affect the lungs. Ammonia also tampers with rearing of the fish, cows, goats, pigs, and sheep (Seaton, Godden, MacNee, Donaldson, 1995).As learnt above, this topic is essential, particularly for the farmers, because through the study, they can do research on how to manage contamination of air for its efficient control. Contrary to using commercial fertilizers, a worldwide risk assessment has revealed that the use of manure helps in controlling both human infections and crop damaging. Therefore, farmers are advised to prefer the use of green manure to fertilizers. Secondly, the environmental protection agencies play a prominent role in ensuring that the environment is conducive for proper agricultural practices. In so doing, they give a lot of information on how the increasing levels of ozone can be restricted. Farmers are therefore advised to avoid driving their vehicles in the farms since the engines emit chlorofluorocarbon which deteriorates the atmosphere. In addition, they should use free-chlorofluorocarbon fertilizers to curb the continuation of such disasters.Another crucial issue is the reduction of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matters, and other foreign materials that cause pollution. Through exhaustive research, the relevant authorities have helped farmers to learn how to terminate the circulation of these harmful gasses through prevention measures such as avoiding burning coal and other materials ...

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